Players Online
Informação do personagem
Fire Fury
Vocação:Galactic Sorcerer
Guild:Member of the last ones
Member: last ones
Ultimo Acesso:16/07/2024, 12:29:33 | (2 mêss atrás)
Char Criado:01/07/2024, 19:07:12
Loyalty: Sentinel of Tibia

Tasks Information (Completed Tasks: 4%)
Draken Floating Savant
Squid Fungus
Lion Book
Usurper Spectre
Goanna Asura
Cobra Falcon
Apparition Demon
Frost Dragon Dragon Lord
Juggernaut Grim Reaper
Hellhound Infernalist
Fury Warlock
Hydra Undead Dragon
Hellflayer Girtablilu
Naga Bashmu
Glooth Corym
Lost Djinn
Werehyaena True Asura
Were Carnivor
Exotic Primal
Nightmare Son of Verminor
Carniphila Lava
Ogre Vexclaw
Elder Lemaw
Arachnophobica Weeper
Orewalker Crawler

Quests Information (Completed Quests: 54%)
Light Helmet Light Shield
Light Boots Light Backpack
Light Legs Light Armor
Light Weapons Light Amulet
Light Cursed Light Ring
Power Armor Power Backpack
Power Helmet Power Shield
Power Weapons Power Cursed
Power Boots Power Amulet
Power Ring Power Legs
Enhanced Boots Enhanced Ring
Enhanced Weapons Enhanced Shield
Enhanced Backpack Enhanced Helmet
Enhanced Legs Enhanced Armor
Enhanced Amulet Enhanced Cursed
Ascendant Amulet Ascendant Legs
Ascendant Shield Ascendant Boots
Ascendant Weapons Ascendant Cursed
Ascendant Ring Ascendant Armor
Ascendant Helmet Ascendant Backpack
Supreme Amulet Supreme Legs
Supreme Shield Supreme Boots
Supreme Weapons Supreme Cursed
Supreme Ring Supreme Armor
Supreme Helmet Supreme Backpack
Canivete Promotion
Spellwand Holy Scarab/Falcon

16/07/2024, 11:11:41Morto no Level 1540 por physical e por Castle Nightmare.
16/07/2024, 07:36:31Morto no Level 1514 por Castle Nightmare.
15/07/2024, 23:58:38Morto no Level 1517 por Castle Nightmare.
06/07/2024, 19:13:44Morto no Level 954 por Castle Nightmare.
06/07/2024, 00:17:01Morto no Level 855 por warlock, a Lucifer, a medusa, a serpent spawn, a hydra e por son of verminor.

14/07/2024, 19:43:42 Ele matou Drone Five no Level 747. (Injustificado)
14/07/2024, 19:13:34 Ele matou Safe Heaven no Level 715. (Injustificado)
03/07/2024, 21:43:15 Ele matou Shorty Fully no Level 791. (Justificado)
03/07/2024, 21:42:16 Ele matou Rei Do Gado no Level 756. (Justificado)
03/07/2024, 21:32:04 Ele matou Alen Tankafull no Level 918. (Justificado)
Unjustified Frags:4
10 Frags

Experience History (Últimos 7 dias, atualizações à meia-noite)
06/09/2024, 00:00None
05/09/2024, 00:00None
04/09/2024, 00:00None
03/09/2024, 00:00None
02/09/2024, 00:00None
01/09/2024, 00:00None
31/08/2024, 00:00None

Search Character

Rank Level Clix Zaro
2- Croz Returns
Restore: 3, Level: 2133, Spectrum Druid
3- Alladin
Restore: 3, Level: 1580, Fearless Knight
4- Fast Con
Restore: 2, Level: 1594, Cypher Paladin
5- Driiano
Restore: 2, Level: 1585, Galactic Sorcerer
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Castle 24Hrs
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Castle War